
Showing posts from September, 2017

What is perfect kendo uniform?

People who are trained in martial arts are noticeable as they wear different clothes from the other people.  In most Japanese martial arts, the gi is the name given to the uniform wore by the martial arts people.  Martial arts uniform is a statement of pride. The martial arts uniform is a part of an overall appeal of the student. It is very important to choose the right uniform for the martial arts practitioner. The martial arts uniform should be properly fit as a badly fit uniform can put a bad impact on the performance of the practitioner.  The kendo uniform is a special uniform which is made by using durable and light weight material. It consists of a jacket and the divided skirt.  The combination of the two is called as Keiko gi. The lower pant is made from cotton so that it does not irritate the practitioner. The upper part is called as gi and lower pants of the kendo uniform are called as hakama.  When putting on the gi the left side crosses over the right. Tie the bows un